
GRIT: a powerful motivation to overcome obstacles in order to accomplish a significant long-term goal.


There was a point about a year after moving onto our property, standing in our gravel driveway, making a list of all the things we needed to do. It was just building after building, acre after acre that needed work. Work, work and more work. Time, effort, stewardship. It was during this conversation Meg thought “We are up grit creek. To get anything done will take all the grit we have and more.”

Looking around the property and going into the house later than night we discussed that grit is what we need for anything to flourish in our lives. This was not just updating the buildings and cleaning out tree rows, this includes raising sons, creating financial freedom and becoming more like Jesus Christ, every day.


Anyone who becomes and remains successful has learned to live with a level of grit that makes them seem to be intense. The reasons they have become successful in one area or another is somewhat unique, but it is mostly the sustained focus on a long term goal.

To summarize, we do hard things for a long time to get good results.
Not good by the world’s standard – but good by the biblical standard.