You will find a simple, crispy baked oatmeal recipe that is very forgiving. It doesn’t get soggy on the bottom and is easily used as ‘cereal’ when it is cold.

We got this recipe from MARILYN and we couldn’t be more grateful. This has been a staple in our house for years – but even more in the last year when we stopped buying the “little sickle cereal” (Cheerios) as one of the boys calls it. This recipe started appearing as a regular item as a way for me to have something ready for Sunday mornings. We always seems to have less time to eat breakfast on Sundays. It gets baked the day ahead and just waits in the fridge to be eaten.


Stop here if you want to hear this recipe as though we were standing in the kitchen together and you wanted me to walk through the detailed instructions on to make this amazing, large family baked oatmeal. This is really helpful for those who are not as comfortable in the kitchen or as experienced. For example – If you only have one set of measuring cups – do you measure out the oil or the sweetener into the one cup measure first? Well, to answer your question. If you use brown sugar and oil – do the brown sugar first. If you will be using honey or maple syrup for sweetener, then do the oil first. Oil first helps the sticky sweetness to slide right out.


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and either grease your 9*13 baking dish or put parchment paper in the pan.

Now you will need 2 large mixing bowls – I do mean large. You will have 8 cups of filler/dry ingredients plus flour 6 cups wet ingredients. I use an 8 cup glass liquid measuring bowl and a 12 cup bowl. You will also need a a set of measuring cups, tablespoon and teaspoon measure.


Start with measuring the oil and sweetener. If you are using brown sugar, then go ahead and use a 1/2 cup measure, pack the brown sugar into the 1/2 three time and put it in the bowl, then use the same 1/2 and fill twice with your preferred oil. This could be vegetable oil, olive oil, coconut oil… sunflower oil. I have never tried melted butter – but give it a try if you like. Wait – what if you want to use honey. Great question.
If you use a syrup type sweetener, then do oil first (same thing fill the 1/2 cup measure twice – this saves on dishes) and then do the honey or maple syrup. Both work great. The syrup will slide right out of your measure!

Crack the eggs into the 1/2 cup measure (2 eggs should fit as they are generally about 1/4 cup) this way if a shell breaks weird, you don’t have to try and find it in the sugar mixture – it is just there in the measure cup. Nothing else is ruined.

Add a teaspoon or slash of your favorite extract (or don’t) we love to use maple or vanilla. Add two cups or milk (filling the same 1/2 cup measure four times – if you want the least amount of dishes) into the eggs, sweetener and oil. Mix it up well. A whisk works best for this – check out the shopping list for my favorite whisk to use!

In a different large bowl (about 12 cups of space) put in 8 cups of oats, this can be rolled quick oats, old fashioned oats or a mixture. Don’t use steel cut oats. In these pictures of the recipe you will see that we used 4 cups quick oats and 4 cups old fashioned oats.
Finally – you will add the cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Mix the dry ingredients.


Pour the wet mixture over the dry, mix it well. Plop it into the prepared baking dish – stick it in the oven. Check it at 45 minutes to see if the middle is still wiggly when you give it a little jiggle. This is such a forgiving bake. It won’t get dry if you leave it in a few minutes too long – it will just toast the edged. Pans, ovens and altitudes are all different so you might need a little longer in the oven or a little shorter.

Q & A

Can you replace the eggs with something else?
Sure! Try your regular method, search on the internet or try 1/4 cup of apple sauce for every egg listed. If you don’t like it, play with the recipe a bit.

Will this work with soaked oats?
Yes, we have tried it a couple times. I need to try again because it is always more soggy than we like it to be – but still tastes great. We will post an updated recipe on it when we get it right. If you would like to be notified – join our email list!

Can I add fruit to baked oatmeal? Absolutely. Replace up to 2 cups of oats with any type of fruit, nuts or even chocolate. We use combinations of different dried fruit, fresh fruit, frozen fruit and nuts. Depending on the water content of the fruit your baked oatmeal will turn out differently with each different fruit you try – but who doesn’t love a good early morning adventure!

Do I have to bake this in a 9*13 pan? NO – please use whatever suits you. You can make this in muffin tins so that you have single serve oatmeal cups. Depending on the type of oats you use this can crumble a bit, which or us works really well. If you are in a different stage of life and need something that can be taken in the car – I think putting this in cupcake wrappers in the muffin tins would make it very easy to keep the crumbles inline.

bowl of grit creek's homestyle baked oatmeal with walnuts and dried fruit.


This is a baked oatmeal recipe that we use for large families or as a make ahead breakfast so that we have it ready for the days we need a quick breakfast.
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Total Time50 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Bake Oatmeal, Make Ahead Breakfast
Servings: 8 servings
Cost: $8


  • 1 mixing bowl
  • 1 set of measuring cups
  • 1 spoon
  • 1 9*13 pan
  • 1 set of measuring spoons


  • 1 cup oil any type you like
  • 1 ½ cup packed brown sugar or other sweetener
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cup milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract or maple extract
  • 6 cup rolled oats quick or old fashioned or mix
  • 2 cup fruit (apples, frozen blueberries…) or more oats
  • 1 tbsp baking powder level, not heaping
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp salt


  • Preheat Oven to 350°
  • In a medium size bowl mix oil and brown sugar (or other sweetener) together.
    Add the milk, eggs and extract to the oil and sweetener mixture until well combined.
  • In another larger bowl add 6 cups of oats + 2 cups of fruit or more oats. Then add and mix the baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
  • Pour the wet mixture over the dry, stir until combined.
  • Put everything in a greased 9*13 baking dish.
  • Place pan in the oven for 45 minutes or until the middle doesn't wiggle when you jiggle the pan. If you leave it longer it will just get toasted – no harm done.


This is a very forgiving recipe, if you leave it in the oven a tad too long it just gets toasted, not ruined. You can play with the combinations you like the best for adding fruit or nuts to the mixture. 
Try it plain or add milk, nuts and fruit to the top when it is served. We also eat it crumbled and cold out the fridge the next day for a no fuss, quick breakfast. 
Store it in the fridge for a week or on the counter for a few days.