There are a bunch of chickens on the farm, 26 out in the coop/run and 11 more in the brooder. Through the last couple years we have found some better chicken breeds for our homestead and wanted to share them with you. Our first hatch happened this week, so we have our first round of barnyard mixed chicks and it is really exciting to see what we can grow on the farm. We have a list of our current breed, plus the mixes we have as well.


If you are looking for good layers that withstand the cold, these are some of the better chicken breeds we have found. We really like these as homestead birds. Hardy, independent birds do the best on the farm and these all make the cut.


Golden Buffs are known by many other names, such as Golden Comet, ISA Brown, Cinnamon Queen, Red Sex Link, and Red Star. These chickens are a leader in the brown egg market and are by far the most popular breed we sell. Our customers favor this breed for its large eggs and quiet temperament. Golden Buffs are a sex-linked hybrid, which means the sex of the day-old baby chicks can be determined by their feather color when they hatch. Our line of Golden Buffs have Rhode Island Red and Leghorn in their heritage. Mature hens have a soft buff-red color and roosters are white with darker wing, neck, and tail feathers. This breed makes up the majority of our flock.
This is one of the better chicken breeds for egg production. You can expect 6+ large to x-large brown eggs each week from each of these hens and 395 eggs in the first 72 weeks of life! Golden Buffs mature at around 20 weeks, thrive in a free-range environment, and are cold tolerant.


The Green Queen was created hybrid chicken designed for our customers wanting a prolific colorful egg layer with a friendly and calm personality. Green Queens are an extremely hardy breed that will lay lots of large green eggs. They will come in a wide range of colors, most are bearded, some will have feathered legs, and some even have 5 toes! Our flock has a nearly black, grey and light tan colored Green Queen.
Please note, like other eggers, you can also get a range in the colors of eggs. Green Queens predominantly lay green eggs, ranging from sage to aqua, but some may lay tinted, brown, or even pink. Eggs could even be speckled. You can expect 4-6 eggs per average week from the Green Queens. If you are looking for excitement in your flock and eggs these are certainly one of the better chicken breeds for getting funky ladies running around the yard.
Adult bird size: hens 4 pounds; roosters 4.5 pounds.


Dark Brahma Chickens are known for their large size, feathered feet, and winter laying abilities. Introduced to the United States in the 1850’s, these chickens helped to ignite a nationwide love for poultry.
Brahma’s are best suited for northern climates, and in fact, most of their brown eggs per year are laid during the months of October to May or an average of 3-5 per week. Brahmas are slow to mature, make dedicated mothers, and are also excellent for roasting due to their very large size.
Our one lady is named Paris – because she is so fancy.
Average mature weight: roosters 12 lbs., hens 9 1/2 lbs


Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens are an old-time favorite brown egg layer as well as a popular dual-purpose breed. The Plymouth Rock breed is very friendly and does well in cold weather. Plymouth Rock Chickens are a high producer of brown eggs, have a meaty body, a docile personality, and good hardiness in all climates, making them much desired in all flocks. These lovely birds have black and white barred feathers, with the roosters slightly lighter in color than the hens. If you are hoping to get a broody chicken, this is one of the better chicken breeds to add to your flock.
Average mature weight: Hens 7.5 lbs; Roosters 9.5 lbs


This is the breed of our main rooster. Buff Orpington Chickens are a popular dual-purpose variety known for their fluffy feathers, excellent mothering skills, and sweet disposition. They are sometimes called “Big Buffs,” because they are loosely feathered and appear to be heavier than their true weight. Buff Orpingtons are friendly and affectionate, making them the perfect breed for children. Buff Orpingtons mature moderately early and lay 4-6 brown eggs weekly. They are also cold hardy and very broody, making them a great choice for the backyard homestead. Our rooster has settled down nicely and we are glad he takes care of the hens well.
Average mature weight: roosters 10 lbs, hens 8 lbs.


These have been better chicken breeds for our family. Specifically because they add to the friendly chickens in the flock, they have done will when hatched and are also great layers.


Marans chickens originated in western France in a town by the same name. Black Copper Marans are primarily known for their dark chocolate brown eggs. Black Copper Marans eggs are the darkest of all the Marans varieties. As with all dark brown egg layers, the eggs are the darkest at the beginning of the laying cycle. The eggs will lighten slightly then return to darkest color after a period of rest. You can expect 3-5 eggs weekly from the hens.
Black Copper Marans do well on free range, causing less damage through heavy scratching. These fast growers are a good dual purpose breed for the homestead or backyard flock. 
Other advantages: hawks will avoid flocks with black birds, as they think they are ravens. We have also had the nicest broody chicken out of this breed. They also were chicks that seemed to go from pip to hatch the fastest and have been good little chicks so far.
Average mature weight: Roosters 8 1/2 lbs., Hens 7 lbs.


Austra Whites are a cross between a Black Australorp rooster and a White Leghorn hen. This cross produces a white bird with black flecks. Being a first-generation cross, legs can be either yellow or gray. Austra Whites retain the foraging and excellent laying capabilities of the Leghorns while being a little heavier and friendly like the Australorp. In our flock we have really enjoyed these birds, they settle right in when you pick them up. These fast maturing birds are prolific layers of white or cream-colored eggs. Hens have been known to lay as early as 12 weeks and you can expect at least 4-6 eggs per week. They are an excellent hybrid breed for those that want lots of eggs from calm and nice hens.
Average Mature weights: Rooster: 6.5 lbs., Females: 5 lbs.


Don’t hear us saying these are bad birds. They are simply not our favorite types of birds for our homestead environment. Specifically because these are both skittish birds on our farm and make it hard to catch them when we need. Also they are smaller birds and don’t lay as many eggs. We prefer heavy layers.


Easter Egger Bantams are a miniature-sized chicken that is famous for their colored eggs ranging from olive green to turquoise blue and occasionally rose or brown, just like the standard-size Easter Eggers. Since these are smaller birds, their eggs are smaller as well. Easter Eggers come in all different color combinations and may have beards and/or muffs and tufts. Easter Eggers are friendly and personable, making them a favorite with kids and adults for pets or show! We had a few of these to start, probably four. We are down to just one silver hen, Branson. Our flock did have a fluffy head at one point. If you are looking for excitement in your flock and eggs these are certainly one of the better chicken breeds for getting funky ladies running around the yard.
Average weight: roosters 30 oz, hens 26 oz.


Salmon Faverolles Chickens were originally bred by the French for meat and eggs. Faverolles lay a slightly tinted egg and are great layers through the winter. These are very gentle, do well with children, and can become affectionate with their handlers.
Faverolles chickens are characterized by their beards and muffs as well as feathers on their feet and legs. Some also sport a fifth toe! Salmon Faverolles hens have a rounded appearance and are a light salmon brown color with creamy white breast, beard, and muff. Roosters have white neck feathers, a black beard and muff, and a reddish/salmon brown back with black breast, body legs and primary tail and wing feathers.
Faverolles are considered to be a threatened breed by the Livestock Conservancy. They are an excellent sustainable heritage breed, laying around 3-5 tinted to light brown eggs each week.
Average mature weight: Roosters 8 lbs., Hens 6 1/2 lbs.


We are hoping with all our hearts that one of our new chicks will look like this rooster. We know we have one hen and one rooster out of our Black Copper Maran eggs.

Our other recent hatches will be Buff Orpington crossed with Red Star, Barred Rock, Green Queen, or Austra White. We are genuinely excited to see what we can get out of our coop in the year or years to come. If you are looking for more information on getting a brooder set up, click here!