While we are working on this blog post about the link between generosity and mental health. Please check out these two links. One is to an article about how acts of kindness (generosity) improved mental health more effectively than other types of therapy. This means – if you are struggling with your mental health it will likely improve if you are able to do a few small acts of kindness in your day. Please don’t assume this is medical advice. It is advice from a friend who cares that you see the dawn coming.
I know that this blog post is not sexy. The photos are pretty lame. To be honest – I just want people to find this information in one way or another. We have a crisis of mental health in this country. I want someone to find this information – even if it means writing a unfussy blog post. The link between generosity and mental health needs to be shouted from the roof tops. We have power to improve our mental health, we may need multiple avenues to find complete healing – but we can start today.