We are constantly working to find better ways to work with our family, home, land, and animals. Joins us as we find inspiration & simplicity for making houses into home, grit & practicality for turning properties into legacies and hope & intentionality for building families of character.
- ORIGINS OF THE HOMESTEAD: TRASH TO GARDENIn general I prefer gardens over grass. I love to color, the whimsy. I want the butterflies and worms. The…
- GENEROSITY IS KEY TO BETTER MENTAL HEALTHWhile we are working on this blog post about the link between generosity and mental health. Please check out these…
- FIVE WAYS TO BE MORE INTENTIONAL IN LIFEHave you ever felt like life is chaotic? Does it feel suffocating to be dealing with problems you made for…
- WAYS WE WENT FROM AIMLESS TO INTENTIONAL LIVINGIntentional living became the way we started living after we got married and the aimless days were no longer bringing…
- BETTER CHICKEN BREEDS FOR THE HOMESTEAD DURING 2024There are a bunch of chickens on the farm, 26 out in the coop/run and 11 more in the brooder.…